With a new " Comprehensive Storm Drain System" the erosion of Sunset Cliffs and the undermining of Sunset Cliffs Boulevard will be stopped and the preservation of the boulevard will no longer be like "fighting a ragging river". With the erosion stopped the locations were the boulevard has been undermined can be repaired in order to preserve the boulevard in its current location. These locations of serious undermining of the boulevard and the corresponding repairs are as follows:
Hill Street; Where Hill Street meets the cliffs edge of Sunset Cliffs Boulevard. This location extends from Hill Street to the entrance of "No Surf Beach". This Hill Street location is in need of immediate repair. This location repair consists of a "tie-Back" repair that bolts back a small selective piece of natural colored stuccoed wire mesh to the cliff.
Rockslides; South of Monaco Street 200 feet where Sunset Cliffs Boulevard Bends. This Rockslides location repair need to have the rip-rap secured with colored cement mastic and a small tie back to maintain the integrity of the boulevard.
The Clairbourne's Cove location due to uncontrolled surface water run off, has caused a serious point of erosion that is jeopardizing the boulevard. A Storm drain that controls the surface water run off will stop the retreat of this point of erosion and will allow the cliff to dry out and save this point of the boulevard from elimination and closure. Also this area needs the rip-rap to be configured to create an opening in the center of the rip-rap wall and then anchor the rip-rap with a natural colored cement mastic. With the new "Comprehensive Storm Drain System" this location will not suffer the erosion that is currently occurring, and will allow Clairbourne's Cove to once again flush naturally.