It is "Pay to Play" Politicians that have got their hands in our park. Join Save Sunset Cliffs and help keep the City from destroying our last piece of native parkland, and push to get a state of the art storm drain system to save our park and boulevard.

Save Sunset Cliffs Master Plan:
Sunset Cliffs park is eroding at an unbelievable rate. At this point, the erosion in Sunset Cliffs Park is at an emergency status.


In the next couple of years the erosion at Sunset Cliffs will reach crisis levels, very similar to the coastlines in other Southern California coastal locations. Many Southern California coastal locations are experiencing catastrophic home and coastal useable land loss. At this point Sunset Cliffs park is at emergency land loss status. Sunset Cliffs Boulevard is also in serious jeopardy of being lost if the current rate of erosion isn't addressed immediately. If the erosion isn't addressed immediately there will not only be serious crisis conditions with the coastal parkland and boulevard loss but also with crisis status of home and life loss along Sunset Cliffs. The Current need for a new "Comprehensive Storm Drain System" could not be under stated.
The Save Sunset Cliffs Master Plan for Sunset Cliffs Park is as follows:

    1. Stop the erosion of Sunset Cliffs Park.

    2. The preservation and repair of Sunset Cliffs Boulevard.

    3. The preservation of the current use, the history, and the surf culture of the park.

Accomplishing this new "Comprehensive Storm Drain System" is the top priority of the "Save Sunset Cliffs Master Plan". This new "Comprehensive Storm Drain System" will dramatically eliminate the erosion of the Sunset Cliffs by allowing the cliff edge in Sunset Cliffs Park, to dry out and stop the "Top-Down Block Erosion" that is occurring at Sunset Cliffs Park. Stopping the saturation of the cliff edge with a new "Comprehensive Storm Drain System", will allow for the repair of the Boulevard where it is being undermined by the uncontrolled surface runoff,  and save the boulevard for future generations.